Family Schedule Center

I set up our family schedule center in a central location in the house. You pass it coming from the bedrooms in the morning and it’s the first thing you see when you walk in the front door (the one we always enter through). I even caught my daughter reading it the other day (success!).

It’s the combination of several Pinterest ideas I’ve pinned over the year customized to meet my needs.
I got this really cool calendar in the Target dollar section. It has a line for each family member (we use the 4th line for family events because there are only 3 of us). I write everything on here as it becomes known. It’s a two year calendar so we can schedule stuff way out.
As part of my nightly routine I write the next day’s activities on my “dry erase board.” I made it out of an old 11×14 picture frame and scrap booking paper to match my decor.
I used the dessert tray I made from clay pots and saucers as a stand for pens and a dry erase marker. I may eventually store more stuff on it, but I don’t know what I’ll need yet.
An old side table with a drawer that I painted black and decopaged the top with scrap booking paper, and a stool anchor the scheduling center and provides a writing surface as well as storage spot for extra keys and letter writing stationary.
And to cap it off I framed a card that I love!! “The secret to life is enjoying the ride.”

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